Shared Application Features
Applications are built using a framework, and share a common DNA. Even though applications have different functionality, they are all managed and deployed in the same way. This commonality means that once the basics are understood for one application, they can be applied to all applications, ultimately reducing integration time and training effort. Enforce standards and lower costs by choosing SCADASuite.
This section calls out some of the things that are common across all applications.
This section calls out some of the things that are common across all applications.
Diagnostic Log
Each SCADASuite application on the RTU has its own diagnostic log. Log entries are typically made when anything interesting happens in an application. Logs are stored in a compact, binary format on the RTU, and rehydrated into plain language when retrieved by the SCADASuite Management program. Logs are stored in non-volatile memory on the RTU, so they survive power outages and reboots. Diagnostic logs can help pinpoint the problem when something unexpected happens, saving time and effort, and also reducing downtime. Configuration Change Log
Each SCADASuite application on the RTU has its own configuration change log. Log entries are made whenever any configuration parameter value changes. Change are logged regardless of whether they are made using the SCADASuite Management program or via Modbus. Logs are stored in a compact, binary format on the RTU, and rehydrated into plain language when retrieved by the SCADASuie Management program. Logs are stored in non-volatile memory on the RTU, so they survive power outages and reboots. Modbus Support
The SCADASuite Management program is the easiest way to work with SCADASuite applications, but all application can also be completely configured and managed via the Modbus protocol. The registers that are used by each application are highly configurable, and applications do not use any hard coded registers. This makes it easy to integrate SCADASuite applications with existing applications and ladder logic on the RTU. Configuration parameters are organized into configuration groups. Each configuration group can optionally be configured to interact with Modbus registers. If desired, the values in a group can be exported to read only registers (input registers and contacts). New values can also be read from writable registers (holding registers and coils). In both cases, the starting register addresses for the group is configurable, which means that the registers used are not hardcoded. Interaction with Modbus can be configured on an as-needed basis, which saves registers, since values that don't need to interact with Modbus do not use any registers. Each application also has status and control parameters that are available over Modbus. These values always use Modbus registers, but the starting addresses are configurable. Licensing
SCADASuite applications are licensed software. However, an application will run with all features enabled for 7 days after it was first downloaded to the RTU. After that time expires, the application can be downloaded to the RTU again to get another 7 day demo license. This lets you easily get started with SCADASuite, and without any obligation. Most applications have feature based licensing. This lets you buy just what you need, without paying for extras that you don't want. For example, the Well Test application can be licensed for between 1 and 3 independent separators. We do offer self service license generation. Please get in touch for more details. |